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How to roll and secure the main door of the Nallo GT and Kaitum GT’s extended vestibule

By rolling away the front section of the Nallo GT and Kaitum GT’s extended vestibule, you get a covered porch that keeps you protected from the elements but still offers great views. Petra Hilleberg gives a detailed explanation of the best way to create that porch. First, remove the front rings from their pegs (you can leave the pegs in place if you want to be able to reset the vestibule quickly), then undo the door band that goes underneath the side door. Open the door’s zipper all the way, undoing the toggle near the top so the zipper is open as far is it will go. Gather and roll the front of the vestibule toward the opposite pole and secure it with the upper loop and toggle (the flexible wire in the vent hood will conform to the fabric bundle). If you feel that the tent needs to be more stretched out, move the front guy lines so they are more parallel to the tent.

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